Object Tales

Tell me an object and I’ll tell you a story. So far…


Once a girl thought she was a beehive. She sat in a tree. Her hair hummed with bees.
Cuckoo Clock

The cuckoo clock bird pecked Anna’s hands. She put him in her pocket and ran. She climbed a tree and let him free. They sat among leaves and rainfall. He told her the time. She watched him fly. People whispered of the bird thief. She broke their locks.
She freed more wooden birds. The clocks became quiet. People threw them away and told time by the flocks on rooftops and in the skies.


Mirabelle spoke to lockets. There was no one else to talk to. She kept her secrets in gold and silver. Her home shone with lockets. The rooms rattled. She stuffed them in her sleeves and shoes. Her steps were heavy. One day, the lockets opened. Her secrets seeped through window cracks. The streets became noisy with her whispered words.

Object Tales

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